The Childcare&me app signposts users and also assists with childcare matters and family support information and services county by county. The Childcare&me app provides information for users to connect & interact with the early learning/ family support service they require on a personal basis. Details in how to contact relevant services are provided and the operational hours.The app links in with google maps therefore users are signposted to locating the relevant service required. The childcare aspect of the app provides a step by step approach to support parents/ carers in making an informed decision on early learning & care choices available to them. Information on childcare available and also the role of childcare in supporting transitions within the community. Choosing the right childcare for your child can be a daunting task for parents. Many factors come into play.The family support aspect of the app links with the Túsla Child and Family Agency, who provide a range of services that offer advice and support to families. This includes family support workers, social workers, youth workers, family resource centres, support groups and counselling services. These types of services help families work through difficult issues, ensure children have a stable environment to live in, and provide support for parents who are finding it hard to cope.The app is multi lingual therefore providing a support to families while transitioning within new communitiesInformation is provided on the role of each service, to assist families to understand the benefits of support which are available to them & their families.